I often marvel at the many things that our body does at the same time. It can see the beautiful girl crossing the road, speak on the mobile, hear the music flowing from a distance, scratch the head with hands, walk on the footpath and yet sulk about the past or dreaming about the future. The core functions of life simultaneously functioning inside i.e. pumping of heart, circulation of blood and air, digestion of food, handling and broadcasting of signals by the brain and the corresponding reflex actions apart from the feelings & emotions that the invisible heart goes through…… oh, the creator must be the Perfect.
On the other side, we never feel the mind-boggling speed of earth’s rotation and revolution, nor realize the illusory impact of the sky, sunrise & sunset with our eyes. The striking snow-capped mountains, fabulous blue oceans, dense green forests, beautiful waterfalls, innocent girlish rivers, hanging clouds, the many spheres of earth (both inside and outside), effect of centripetal and centrifugal forces forcing the planets, stars and galaxies to stand apart, the invisible atoms and cells in and around us charged with energy - I am again stunned by the God’s beautiful creation and its orderliness.
I am glad that I am also a speck of this world and have a heart to appreciate, enjoy and wonder at all these things. Yes, I have life and that’s why it is possible.
Please allow me to stay here. And I want you to stay and enjoy with me.
While the behavioural patterns of the animals are pre-programmed, man is the only living entity to have given freewill. No doubt, as a result of this, thank God, no two men appear as clones of each other.
We can roughly predict the reaction of an animal at any given circumstance whereas it is not so with man because of his raging intellect. Man is a unique and an interesting phenomenon to explore, thanks to his set of habits, inborn qualities, talents and drawbacks to rule him always.
Having watched ‘The Lion King’ many times, I had often wondered whether such things are true in the animal world or is it nothing but the creative display of human emotions. Even the inanimate objects are given larger than life images with man’s creativity. I could not stop smiling when I walked on the road after watching the movie ‘The cars’. Of course I enjoyed every bit of it. The story has a moral too – only love and compassion can win the hearts.
To take the point from here, the only underlying principle of all lives is ‘love’. Why does man fail miserably in this area? Because he attaches expectations to his acts. Using his analytical ability, he reasons behind his love towards others. He paints them with different relationships, conditions himself accordingly and moves a step forward or backward always, and suspects & gives colours to others’ moves too.
That’s where the spirit of love is trampled and in its place governs jealousy, hatred, anger, prejudice, pride, greediness etc. The result is nothing but destruction of us and of course the world.
Oh, Man! Have you forgotten the immortal words of the son of God “Love Thy neighbour as Thy own self”.
Awaken yourself to the truth that it is your own very nature to love all as you are nothing but love.
I do not wish to contend whether the body gives up the soul or the soul gives up the body after death (assuming that there is a soul, an inner being that treats my body as a puppet). Let us hold on to our beliefs here. The point is, as soon as my death comes, my very own people dispose my well nourished body immediately.
What happens to me after that is beyond my comprehension as I have not experienced it yet.
While alive, let me close my eyes for a moment and mentally go through what have I done so far. Mind you, all these days I have been thinking that I am the best and my life is the ideal one. But, but what do I see? Many prominent dark spots are highlighted in the clear slate of consciousness. I am struggling my best to wipe them out but unsuccessful every time. I open my eyes never to visit such dark areas again but having visited once consciously, I could not avoid them. I do not wish to die when my soul is writhing in agony. What can I do now?
Is it fine if I learn a few things –
* Extend a warm hand to the needy voluntarily
* Be truthful to my words and thoughts
* Discourage the entry of anger, jealousy and pride
* Care not for others’ opinions and back talks on me
* Give a fresh, broad smile to all never showing my pains and sorrows of life
* Like what I do
* Strive to be a perfectionist
* Practise human values
* Make my place a heaven to live for me and others
* Simple living and high thinking
* Love all
* And mainly entrust myself to the Eternal Father
Now, I find my blemishes slowly fading as I start practising the above diligently.
Ah! I see only Light everywhere. And that Light is nothing but Love. That Love is nothing but God. That God is present in every one of us and every atom of the universe. The whole universe is sparkling in Light now.
I am a spark of that Light and in fact I am that Light.
Life, Love & Light – that’s me. So are you.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Frozen moments of an evening
It is an evening. The sun has set already and the mid east heat is gone. Cool breeze is blowing gently. The contours of shimmering clouds are slowly giving way to embrace darkness. The fake blue turning black sky refuses to show me its display of stars because of the fully lit city.
I am refusing to budge from the balcony. In fact, I am sitting on the chair with both my legs up, embracing them with my hands resting my chin on the knees. It may sound childish but I love to sit that way always. My eyes watch the birds chirping with an urge to go back home. My misty eyes try to capture the reflections of faces that I have come across of which one stands in front ….
I am neither born rich nor pathetically poor but to modest middle-class parents settled in a sleepy town of Tamilnadu who had to take care of the educational and societal needs of the family of six.
My father was an embodiment of love and patience… my first inspiration and the best man I have met so far. Was he a good husband, a good brother, a good friend? I don’t know really but he had only praises to hear wherever he went.
He was an excellent father in all ways; never giving us advice but guiding us with options. He didn’t give us riches to inherit but showed us how to lead a life of determination, love, sincerity, honesty and dedication. His loss was truly irreparable for me. I am searching for just one more man like him in my life? Is it possible?
In this world, nobody can replace anybody as everyone is unique in our own ways. He has etched such a beautiful picture in my heart which I could never explain in words. So who else can replace him in my heart till my death?
Did I say ‘was’ all along? Yes, he is no more. He died 9 years ago due to the spread of gangrene infection in his legs. The 70-year old lion faced death knowingly and I saw it with my own eyes.
I vividly remember the day I landed in Pune with my 3-month old baby only to be shocked to see my handsome father reduced to the size of an emaciated victim. His eye sockets sunken deep, cheeks turned inward, his wheat complexioned skin riddled with wrinkles, his mouth full of ulcers, his bare chest literally displaying the skeletal bones, his rotten feet covered with a blanket……
I am just looking at the serene sky searching for the lost soul. Is the death painful for all? Or is it a deliberate illusion to have fear for death?
Where is he gone? Is he mixed with the breeze I am enjoying or merged in the vast expanse of the sky or become those hanging clouds that I admire every minute?
Yes. The soul has perfectly played its role and vanished from my life. I thank God for giving such wonderful parents. I don’t cry any more.
Of course, he taught us one thing or should I say, we learnt from the way he lived – this world is bound to change always; so never hold opinions on others.
Now, it’s my turn to live, to march on.
My consciousness slowly shifts. I can see my boundless enthusiasm burning inside slowly dimming due to the lack of that friendly, long term unconditional pat. I melt in those thoughts, yearn to dissolve my body at my will and be an invisible part of the cosmos.
But nothing happens….. That restless little bird flies hither and thither. My wish to become that bird to fly high carefree and touch the sky remains a dream….
I hear a voice beaming, “What are you dreaming sitting all alone? What do you see in those stars and sky all the time?”
I postpone my dating with nature, enter into the house and merge with the human bonds.
I am refusing to budge from the balcony. In fact, I am sitting on the chair with both my legs up, embracing them with my hands resting my chin on the knees. It may sound childish but I love to sit that way always. My eyes watch the birds chirping with an urge to go back home. My misty eyes try to capture the reflections of faces that I have come across of which one stands in front ….
I am neither born rich nor pathetically poor but to modest middle-class parents settled in a sleepy town of Tamilnadu who had to take care of the educational and societal needs of the family of six.
My father was an embodiment of love and patience… my first inspiration and the best man I have met so far. Was he a good husband, a good brother, a good friend? I don’t know really but he had only praises to hear wherever he went.
He was an excellent father in all ways; never giving us advice but guiding us with options. He didn’t give us riches to inherit but showed us how to lead a life of determination, love, sincerity, honesty and dedication. His loss was truly irreparable for me. I am searching for just one more man like him in my life? Is it possible?
In this world, nobody can replace anybody as everyone is unique in our own ways. He has etched such a beautiful picture in my heart which I could never explain in words. So who else can replace him in my heart till my death?
Did I say ‘was’ all along? Yes, he is no more. He died 9 years ago due to the spread of gangrene infection in his legs. The 70-year old lion faced death knowingly and I saw it with my own eyes.
I vividly remember the day I landed in Pune with my 3-month old baby only to be shocked to see my handsome father reduced to the size of an emaciated victim. His eye sockets sunken deep, cheeks turned inward, his wheat complexioned skin riddled with wrinkles, his mouth full of ulcers, his bare chest literally displaying the skeletal bones, his rotten feet covered with a blanket……
I am just looking at the serene sky searching for the lost soul. Is the death painful for all? Or is it a deliberate illusion to have fear for death?
Where is he gone? Is he mixed with the breeze I am enjoying or merged in the vast expanse of the sky or become those hanging clouds that I admire every minute?
Yes. The soul has perfectly played its role and vanished from my life. I thank God for giving such wonderful parents. I don’t cry any more.
Of course, he taught us one thing or should I say, we learnt from the way he lived – this world is bound to change always; so never hold opinions on others.
Now, it’s my turn to live, to march on.
My consciousness slowly shifts. I can see my boundless enthusiasm burning inside slowly dimming due to the lack of that friendly, long term unconditional pat. I melt in those thoughts, yearn to dissolve my body at my will and be an invisible part of the cosmos.
But nothing happens….. That restless little bird flies hither and thither. My wish to become that bird to fly high carefree and touch the sky remains a dream….
I hear a voice beaming, “What are you dreaming sitting all alone? What do you see in those stars and sky all the time?”
I postpone my dating with nature, enter into the house and merge with the human bonds.
In the roaring sounds of the waves
I identified the thought that paves
Way to enter into my darkest caves
With the desire that eternally raves
I waited at the doorstep patiently
Watching its footstep discreetly
Decided to slay it ruthlessly
Only then could I remain peacefully
Ms. Thought played the role of dalliance
I was about to lose my stance
Suddenly I became vigilant at once
And caught it with root and sense
Thus I learnt to catch them all
Never to miss my golden ball
This is the secret of my feat that is tall
To get a glimpse please come all
I have no history to stamp a rate
No mystery to name it as fate
I am the only master of my gate
Silence is thus my only state
Silence skillfully plays with words
Silence beautifully paints the thoughts
But silence identifies not with such darts
As I am that silence that rises above gods
I identified the thought that paves
Way to enter into my darkest caves
With the desire that eternally raves
I waited at the doorstep patiently
Watching its footstep discreetly
Decided to slay it ruthlessly
Only then could I remain peacefully
Ms. Thought played the role of dalliance
I was about to lose my stance
Suddenly I became vigilant at once
And caught it with root and sense
Thus I learnt to catch them all
Never to miss my golden ball
This is the secret of my feat that is tall
To get a glimpse please come all
I have no history to stamp a rate
No mystery to name it as fate
I am the only master of my gate
Silence is thus my only state
Silence skillfully plays with words
Silence beautifully paints the thoughts
But silence identifies not with such darts
As I am that silence that rises above gods
Krishna, my beloved
O Wind, here is a request from an old dame
Kind and generous you are in this world of name
Please carry my story to my beloved without fail
Waiting am I for an answer with a wail
Sure you too would shed tears hearing my tale
For his acts were nothing short of gale
I was innocent and fresh as a flower
Knew not anything of fame or power
Played merrily with peals of laughter
Balanced my acts of duty with less chatter
Looked around suddenly as I extended my wing
Only to be carried away by this charming king
With a singing tone he entered into my den
Looked into my eyes even in a group of ten
Black is he yet he made me stumble at his feet
Cornering me he spoke tales of his feat
Laden with love he approached me to hold
Thrilled was I as I saw one who was bold
He is very black and I am only fair
His beauty radiated even my hearty lair
He is all-knowing and I am only dunce
But his compassion made me at ease at once
His eyes are expressive but mine are very dull
Yet they spoke his love for me in a lull
He is full of fun while I am such a bore
Yet he had lots to share piled in his store
He had married many and I am married too
Yet he comforted that love only counts in what I do
He had many lovers but I had none at my stake
He came behind this fool only to take
My life too blossomed all of a sudden
For he kissed my tears in my dreams even
My duties mocked me from a distance
They appeared too worldly in my own stance
I longed to be with this boy leaving everything
Yet I had my duties to keep me in my ring
I blushed when he stamped me as innocent
Grieved when I failed to see his face pleasant
Laughed when he cracked jokes in an instant
Contented when I saw him even for a moment
Wondered when he displayed his unmatched strength
Cried a lot when he did not speak to me in length
On the fateful day, he flew away from my tent
Leaving me with memories only to lament
Can you locate him from wherever he is hiding?
O Wind, explain to him my soulful tears that are flowing
Be careful in identifying my beloved correctly
Deliver my message of love whose heart pine longingly
My people are ever vigilant about my craziness
So secretly deliver this message but only in hastiness
Tell him I am disturbed terribly by his eyes
Remembering his lips that never told lies
Was tripped by his beauty that is black to behold
As he stole my heart by his song of flute in his fold
Am unable to eat even a morsel of food in distress
Also hate to beautify as I care for myself less
Heard that he is still a man of fun
Does he not remember our days of pun?
If at all he wanted to leave me for ever
Why should he play with my feelings ever?
I am equally blamed for I was also a part of this clandestine love
Yet he too is answerable to calls of this love
Tell him I want to meet him only once
Tell my woes of separation that burns me since
Tell him of the madness of my present state
Tell him I know only to think of him of late
Tell him of my tales of cries for his welfare
Tell him I have forgotten about myself in this life of warfare
Shake him to answer his lady love who is sad
Find out at least if he recollects me who is mad
Do you know O wind, that only women face the brunt?
Is he not a testimony to attest my statement?
I may die of his separation as I am unable to bear
No, no, if I die the world would talk bad of my dear
I see him only as he has filled my mind and heart
Hear from me, I begin my day only with a painful start
Hesitate not, for my words are nothing but truth
Convey my undying love to my boy of blithe
What should I do now as I really do not know?
Ah! Let him answer for he is my Lord before whom I bow
So what, is he not my beloved who is only mine
There is no me or he in my love and pain
Yet this wisdom does not dawn on me quite often
My tearful eyes wait longingly for a union
Hear this secret that my beloved is my all in this life
Though my body is highly duty bound as a wife
What else can I do I know not as he ignores this stupid?
Yet my language and knowledge is only love for my beloved
Kind and generous you are in this world of name
Please carry my story to my beloved without fail
Waiting am I for an answer with a wail
Sure you too would shed tears hearing my tale
For his acts were nothing short of gale
I was innocent and fresh as a flower
Knew not anything of fame or power
Played merrily with peals of laughter
Balanced my acts of duty with less chatter
Looked around suddenly as I extended my wing
Only to be carried away by this charming king
With a singing tone he entered into my den
Looked into my eyes even in a group of ten
Black is he yet he made me stumble at his feet
Cornering me he spoke tales of his feat
Laden with love he approached me to hold
Thrilled was I as I saw one who was bold
He is very black and I am only fair
His beauty radiated even my hearty lair
He is all-knowing and I am only dunce
But his compassion made me at ease at once
His eyes are expressive but mine are very dull
Yet they spoke his love for me in a lull
He is full of fun while I am such a bore
Yet he had lots to share piled in his store
He had married many and I am married too
Yet he comforted that love only counts in what I do
He had many lovers but I had none at my stake
He came behind this fool only to take
My life too blossomed all of a sudden
For he kissed my tears in my dreams even
My duties mocked me from a distance
They appeared too worldly in my own stance
I longed to be with this boy leaving everything
Yet I had my duties to keep me in my ring
I blushed when he stamped me as innocent
Grieved when I failed to see his face pleasant
Laughed when he cracked jokes in an instant
Contented when I saw him even for a moment
Wondered when he displayed his unmatched strength
Cried a lot when he did not speak to me in length
On the fateful day, he flew away from my tent
Leaving me with memories only to lament
Can you locate him from wherever he is hiding?
O Wind, explain to him my soulful tears that are flowing
Be careful in identifying my beloved correctly
Deliver my message of love whose heart pine longingly
My people are ever vigilant about my craziness
So secretly deliver this message but only in hastiness
Tell him I am disturbed terribly by his eyes
Remembering his lips that never told lies
Was tripped by his beauty that is black to behold
As he stole my heart by his song of flute in his fold
Am unable to eat even a morsel of food in distress
Also hate to beautify as I care for myself less
Heard that he is still a man of fun
Does he not remember our days of pun?
If at all he wanted to leave me for ever
Why should he play with my feelings ever?
I am equally blamed for I was also a part of this clandestine love
Yet he too is answerable to calls of this love
Tell him I want to meet him only once
Tell my woes of separation that burns me since
Tell him of the madness of my present state
Tell him I know only to think of him of late
Tell him of my tales of cries for his welfare
Tell him I have forgotten about myself in this life of warfare
Shake him to answer his lady love who is sad
Find out at least if he recollects me who is mad
Do you know O wind, that only women face the brunt?
Is he not a testimony to attest my statement?
I may die of his separation as I am unable to bear
No, no, if I die the world would talk bad of my dear
I see him only as he has filled my mind and heart
Hear from me, I begin my day only with a painful start
Hesitate not, for my words are nothing but truth
Convey my undying love to my boy of blithe
What should I do now as I really do not know?
Ah! Let him answer for he is my Lord before whom I bow
So what, is he not my beloved who is only mine
There is no me or he in my love and pain
Yet this wisdom does not dawn on me quite often
My tearful eyes wait longingly for a union
Hear this secret that my beloved is my all in this life
Though my body is highly duty bound as a wife
What else can I do I know not as he ignores this stupid?
Yet my language and knowledge is only love for my beloved
Krishna, my friend
I wake up in the morning early to start my hectic day
He creeps into my mind at once to stay for the day
I politely tell him to come back later once my work is
He gives me a look that breaks my heart to shiver
I am a fool, I have not introduced him to you all
He is my dearest friend, never he leaves me at all
I lovingly call him ‘Kaala’ as he is black as coal
He urges me to finish my earthly role fast only to talk
When I ask him about his mother who misses him so much
He sheds tears of love for his two mothers in fact as
When I ask him about his friends who were behind him
He shares his feelings emotionally for their sake on all
When I eagerly ask him about his pranks of his childhood
He comes near me to cheerfully explain them in detail
When I ask him about his lovers who pine for him
He says that they never lost him for they eternally
reside in his heart
When I ask him whether he would leave me too to dwell in
He promises me in whispers that his friendship is there
for me forever
Listen to me about such a friend who cares for me
He laughs at my prattle, yet he likes me to the core
When I go to a shop to buy a grand dress
He murmurs from behind not to waste money
When I give away my little holdings happily
He appreciates my heart with an advice to expand widely
When I comb my hair looking at my gray hair
He consoles me that it is just the play of time
When I speak a little more to others
He reminds me that I must check my tongue
When I am angry with myself for my foolishness
He cracks many a joke to cheer me from my distress
When I am upset with others for their haughtiness
He advises me with stories to rise only in meekness
When I am in joyful mood that I go round and round
He too joins me in my happiness as a true friend
When I hear complaints from his girlfriends
He sweetly allows me to twist his ears for his act
When I get irritated with his open mischief on me
He pleads with me to forgive him wholeheartedly
When I hear words that my heart cannot bear
He touches my shoulder in concern to take things lightly
When I am bogged with situations that pains me
He strokes my head and showers his soothing love
When I fail to return my love to near ones explicitly
He urges me to express my affection for them frankly
When I commit grave mistakes
He whips me with his words, yet he cares for me
When I struggle to learn new things
He applauds me even for my failed attempts
When I am in sorrow that disturbs my peace
He understands my feelings and silently sheds tears
When I loudly cry for the loss of lives in disasters
He dutifully delivers his teachings of life and death
When I ask him why he punishes people ruthlessly
He says that it is only their untruth that kills them
When I ask him why he does not play his flute any more
He says that I can hear him when I purify my core
When I ask him about the relationships of earthly life
He tells me to be loyal to all, yet use my intellect as a
When I ask him how I can rise to his level of divinity
He says that I must forgo my likes and dislikes
When I ask him why the world talks bad about us
He says that they know not the truth as there is no male
or female actually
When I ask him how he is so detached
He laughs on my imprudence for he is the Lord , so pray
to Him consciously
I have never dreamt that such a friend can enter into my
life too
He says that he too yearns for my friendship
Have you ever heard of such a friend who gives everything
for my sake
Here is one who lifts me from ignorance every time I
become fake
Hey! Here is an assurance from me to blindly take his
For his teachings are stressed only on love unconditional
[I don't have the habit of editing my earlier works. But
here, as a special case, I have removed just a few non-essential words from the
original for a better read. Perhaps, if written now, my style would be
different for sure. :) - April 17, 2013]
Krishna, my son
Come my dear friends quietly and see my darling son
He sleeps sweetly not knowing of hearts he has stolen
Can you not see the dried tears beneath his collyrium eyes
For I caught him red-handed when stealing butter kept at highs
Are you interested to know how he troubles me the whole day
Listen carefully how he makes me dance in his own way
I ask him to drink milk from the cup without any spill
He nods his head innocently only to draw maps of milk with his quill
I catch his hand carefully to give him bath nicely
Instead he splashes water all over drenching me completely
I hold his black face softly to apply collyrium for his little eyes
Instead he paints my fair face black as he rubs his with his cries
I decorate him patiently to see my dearest look beautiful
Instead he soils them quickly, yet he does not look awful
I take him to the balcony to teach him about birds and sky
Yonder he looks at my face lovingly as if he is very shy
I enter into the kitchen to cook food for my beauty
He catches me from behind never allowing me to perfect my duty
I feed him with my hands with lots of love and affection
He swallows not quickly and makes me sit in front of him in tension
I try to gulp my food very fast standing in a corner before he comes
He finds somehow and pesters me to play with him leaving all chores
I go for my bath after patting him on his back for a good nap
He gives me a shock when I return, by pouring ghee on his lap
I clean the house meticulously to look shining and tidy
He creates a storm thus turning the house totally messy
I mop the floor quickly fearing my sweetheart might fall down
He splashes flour from my back to make me look like a clown
I take my lovely boy out to my friends’ place with all pride
He embarrasses me with naughtiness only to end up in deride
I try to concentrate on books to learn something new
He runs out to my arms to demand attention due
I sit for prayers with my little love beside me to learn
He laughs and laughs uproariously forcing me to be stern
I want to offer flowers to the Lord by making them a garland
To my dismay, he grabs from my hand only to garland himself with his own hand
I want to listen to the music with eyes closed to enjoy its essence
He blows his flute near my ears making me lose all sense
I practise and practise to imprint my dear son on a paper
He tears all my hard work apart only to look at my face later
I manage to write a poem on his beauty and pranks
He tiptoes to scribble on them only to explain his cranks
I ask him to learn something from others fruitfully
He laughs all the time ignoring my laments gleefully
I sing his favourite lullaby to put him to a good night sleep
He asks many questions about his black skin with a weep
I better stop with this as the list goes endless
He accuses me sometimes as if I care for him less
Are you all going through the same phase just like me
Or am I the only one to struggle with this boy who acts like a bee
I am deceived every time by his sweetness and matchless looks
As my heart is full of love for my only one who is full of wits
Do not advise me to whack my little boy for his naughtiness
As he is my heart and soul to lead this life in happiness
I am thoroughly broken with his pranks, so I cry helplessly
He silently kisses on my cheeks and embraces me with all love tightly
Sshhh.., let us disperse quickly for he may wake up by our noise
Let me also pray to the Lord to correct my child and give him poise
Oh! What a fool am I! Is he not my Lord with the flute whom I pray
Yet I have all the right to keep him in my fold till I lay
He sleeps sweetly not knowing of hearts he has stolen
Can you not see the dried tears beneath his collyrium eyes
For I caught him red-handed when stealing butter kept at highs
Are you interested to know how he troubles me the whole day
Listen carefully how he makes me dance in his own way
I ask him to drink milk from the cup without any spill
He nods his head innocently only to draw maps of milk with his quill
I catch his hand carefully to give him bath nicely
Instead he splashes water all over drenching me completely
I hold his black face softly to apply collyrium for his little eyes
Instead he paints my fair face black as he rubs his with his cries
I decorate him patiently to see my dearest look beautiful
Instead he soils them quickly, yet he does not look awful
I take him to the balcony to teach him about birds and sky
Yonder he looks at my face lovingly as if he is very shy
I enter into the kitchen to cook food for my beauty
He catches me from behind never allowing me to perfect my duty
I feed him with my hands with lots of love and affection
He swallows not quickly and makes me sit in front of him in tension
I try to gulp my food very fast standing in a corner before he comes
He finds somehow and pesters me to play with him leaving all chores
I go for my bath after patting him on his back for a good nap
He gives me a shock when I return, by pouring ghee on his lap
I clean the house meticulously to look shining and tidy
He creates a storm thus turning the house totally messy
I mop the floor quickly fearing my sweetheart might fall down
He splashes flour from my back to make me look like a clown
I take my lovely boy out to my friends’ place with all pride
He embarrasses me with naughtiness only to end up in deride
I try to concentrate on books to learn something new
He runs out to my arms to demand attention due
I sit for prayers with my little love beside me to learn
He laughs and laughs uproariously forcing me to be stern
I want to offer flowers to the Lord by making them a garland
To my dismay, he grabs from my hand only to garland himself with his own hand
I want to listen to the music with eyes closed to enjoy its essence
He blows his flute near my ears making me lose all sense
I practise and practise to imprint my dear son on a paper
He tears all my hard work apart only to look at my face later
I manage to write a poem on his beauty and pranks
He tiptoes to scribble on them only to explain his cranks
I ask him to learn something from others fruitfully
He laughs all the time ignoring my laments gleefully
I sing his favourite lullaby to put him to a good night sleep
He asks many questions about his black skin with a weep
I better stop with this as the list goes endless
He accuses me sometimes as if I care for him less
Are you all going through the same phase just like me
Or am I the only one to struggle with this boy who acts like a bee
I am deceived every time by his sweetness and matchless looks
As my heart is full of love for my only one who is full of wits
Do not advise me to whack my little boy for his naughtiness
As he is my heart and soul to lead this life in happiness
I am thoroughly broken with his pranks, so I cry helplessly
He silently kisses on my cheeks and embraces me with all love tightly
Sshhh.., let us disperse quickly for he may wake up by our noise
Let me also pray to the Lord to correct my child and give him poise
Oh! What a fool am I! Is he not my Lord with the flute whom I pray
Yet I have all the right to keep him in my fold till I lay
Friday, November 03, 2006
I see you only
In the pit patter of the rain
In the innocent fear of the deer
In the flying freedom of the bird
In the bright morning sunshine
In the roaring waves of the sea
In the humming buzz of the bee
In the fluttering of butterfly
In the arched clear blue sky
In the dark rain bearing cloud
In the thunder that is loud
In the meditative poise of the peak
In the dancing tunes of the river
In the jumping urgency of falls
In the still waters of the lake
In the silken touch of breeze
In the ghastly play of the storm
In the trodden path of earth
In the frozen caps of ice
In the green trees of forest
In the barren dry desert
In the fountains that enthralls
In the beauty of the rainbow
In the touching lyrics of the poet
In the love that brings in pain
In the things that all I see
Even in the rejection of your me
In this world great and small
In them I see you only to fall
In the innocent fear of the deer
In the flying freedom of the bird
In the bright morning sunshine
In the roaring waves of the sea
In the humming buzz of the bee
In the fluttering of butterfly
In the arched clear blue sky
In the dark rain bearing cloud
In the thunder that is loud
In the meditative poise of the peak
In the dancing tunes of the river
In the jumping urgency of falls
In the still waters of the lake
In the silken touch of breeze
In the ghastly play of the storm
In the trodden path of earth
In the frozen caps of ice
In the green trees of forest
In the barren dry desert
In the fountains that enthralls
In the beauty of the rainbow
In the touching lyrics of the poet
In the love that brings in pain
In the things that all I see
Even in the rejection of your me
In this world great and small
In them I see you only to fall
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