I was thrilled like a child throughout whereas my son behaved like a composed adult, warning me every now and then to remain quiet. Hehe…
After swimming through the afternoon traffic for nearly 2 hours, we (Atul and I along with our friend’s family as B was already there on duty) reached the destination.
I have seen many such airshows on TV but watching them in real is something different. I felt giddy when the pilots performed rare feats and sharp crossing over each other. Parachute jumping was simply amazing. The airshow culminated with Saudi Hawks’ performance which was undoubtedly astounding. They even drew a heart with an arrow so perfectly.
Taking pictures was difficult as they were all superfast and our camera is not that smart. However managed to take a few shots.
Whether such costly business initiatives of the country would be successful or not, I am glad that I could watch the program live. Because anything related to Space has an aura of beauty and charm and of course requires extra alertness.
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I read in the online newspaper a few days back that Neptune and Uranus have large deposits of diamond liquids.
Diamond liquids??? I became curious…
At very high temperature and pressure, diamonds can become diamond liquids instead of turning into graphite. Do find out on your own how the scientists proved such an interesting phenomenon.
Space is always fascinating as we gain new insights quickly. Who would have thought that such things do exist in Neptune and Uranus.
Now, the greedy inhabitants of our planet cannot rush to Neptune and Uranus in the next available space shuttle to fill their vessels simply because the atmospheric pressure and temperature prevalent over there are very high. :)
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Space shows with the substratum of Consciousness are going on non-stop in the cosmos. Human-designed airshows are a part of space shows.
I am really happy to be alive to enjoy the space shows as a witness and participant.