During our visit to Egypt, there were many moments that took me to a state of silence. There were also a few that melted my heart beyond explanation. One such was our night visit to Luxor temple as if I had been there before and the time gap of those thousands of years had vanished only to come back home. The other one was the ‘The Valley of the Kings’. This place would surely appear more mysterious, mystical and grand under the canopy of moonlit sky and blinking stars.
By the way, the tomb of Ramses III over there is one of the largest and grandest tombs excavated so far with so many steps to climb down with its walls depicting Egyptian worship throughout. If you have leg or heart problems, it is advisable not to venture out into this tomb. What touched me so deeply was the determination of an old Western lady. In spite of her fractured leg, accompanied by her companion, she began to climb down the long winding steps with her crutches ON. For her age and physical condition, nobody would even think of attempting it. I was speechless looking at her as I know how painful it is to walk with crutches, leave alone climbing up or down the stairs.
I remembered my India trip during last March with my broken foot. Then I realized that the difficulty lies in taking such a daring decision and not the actual execution. The conviction in our decision would give necessary strength and determination.
This blog is not to glorify my fall or celebrate its anniversary but only to celebrate my understanding of life, identification of attitudes and acceptance of situations and people with love. This was possible because of my decision to choose Light as my only companion.
I am glad about this decision. I am doubly glad to share it here.