Watched ‘Ravanan’ (Tamil version) yesterday night.
What went wrong, I don’t know. I don't want to know also. The lead cast is envious, the director is a class apart, the locales are stunningly beautiful, the cinematography breathtaking, lots of advertisement & promotion at the national and international levels….. in spite of all these and the mind blowing efforts of the entire team, the film didn’t touch me at all. I salute the team for their efforts however, for the movie is filmed in water and only water, though the epic is twisted to the core.
The theatre jeered during the scenes of R which I didn’t like a bit. I felt an acute pain in my heart for her sake. It dawned on me suddenly that the whole world might react in the same way and that pained me more.
Everyone deserves a life of self esteem, respect & choice and we have no right to hurt anyone through words, gestures, thoughts or in any other way. We easily forget that Ram will never do such a jeering act any day. I am sure these stone throwers are not Ramas in any standard. Such perversion is unbearable as my sensitivity doesn’t allow me to tolerate these days.
I did not wish to be a part of such an indecent crowd and irreversible act of subtle barbarism. I sincerely prayed for her peace and that’s what I could do at the best.
There's a silver lining of course during those couple of hours in the theatre -
The stranger girl of around 2 years old who I happened to see holding her father's hand going to the rest room during intermission reciprocated my smile so wholeheartedly that I was touched by her innocence. The typical Tamil girl with plaited pony tails looked like an angel of great beauty and full of light even to my dull eyes. I don't know who that girl is and may not recognise also next time but pray she grows up into a fine woman retaining the same innocent smile throughout.
May Love and Light fill everyone’s life!