She was matured as well as innocent, intelligent as well as beautiful, religious and also trendy, old in the body and young at heart.
As I rushed to the hospital in the morning of 30th June, I was shattered to see her round, exuberant face reduced to a thin skeletal structure. I remembered my shock when I first saw my thin father in his death bed 13 years ago. The thought was involuntary and highly coincidental. Was that a premonition?
She welcomed me with a faint smile from her ICU bed.
On the next day morning i.e. 1st July, my brother told me to take her blessings as she might not remember my birthday. It is quite natural for anyone to lose track of the day, date and time when one is bedridden but not my Mother. The moment I held her hand, she opened her tired eyes and gave her right hand to me as her wish and blessing. I was touched and deeply moved. Such love is possible only by a Mother.
This was not the first time that she was playing with life and death. But she could not win over death beyond 5th July.
Moreover, this was the time I had experienced and witnessed closely how one can extend their hands unconditionally at times of crisis in spite of their painful limitations. It is impossible to return our gratitude to such fine souls. Also, I am greatly indebted to all those lovely people who expressed their deep condolences by personal visits, phone calls and mails.
Ironically, I also happened to be at the receiving end of highly insensitive attitude. It should be my fault to expect some courtesy, diplomacy and respect in their expressions. What more can I say than ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.’ With this understanding, I stay disconnected from such expressions.
My routine is back with the usual smile and laughter. I don’t sit and cry for the loss because I know that the karmic tie is severed for the good of her soul. I also don’t need anybody’s time or efforts to cheer me up as I am quite balanced in spite of the memories that turn my eyes moist, thanks to the knowledge of the Rishis because it is in solitude and silence that I derive maximum inner strength. Thankfully I am IN peace with the truth.
I have bid both parents my beloved adieu with a heavy heart to the cycle of Time at different periods. But I have my Spiritual Father who is with me in every step. I am thankful to the stars for shining their grace on me!!!
And hence there is no bidding adieu to the role of a daughter in this life or in future lives....