I am thoroughly moved by Guruji's words. How could I afford to miss this newsletter on June 1st itself? His words have rippling effects in my mind everytime I read. They are simple yet very powerful. I could feel his protective grace as I try to read them again and again. Let us assimilate what he has said in this newsletter...
* We talk about the Divine often but not about the human as if the human is not worth talking. If we really understand what is Spiritual and contemplate seriously on it, we realise that being human is being Spiritual. What is “being human”. It is simply being good, honest, compassionate, helpful, sharing, accommodating and peaceful. It is also being emotional, sentimental and thoughtful without being worried. It is also getting angry when we are confronted with injustice, feeling sad with partings and getting excited on life's natural joyful occasions. It is wondering at every sunset and moonrise. All these, believe me, make a person Spiritual. We are living in the human plane. Being human is natural and Spiritual. This part is not clearly understood. We have been conditioned to believe that Spirituality is devoid of emotion, sentiment and laughter. This is entirely wrong. Only when we take Spirituality seriously and connect to the Core, the God, do we realise that being human is the first step; the first lesson; the first Transformation. It is Divinity, afterwards. Without becoming human, we cannot become Divine.
* The time has arrived for a big global endeavour to establish Peace and Love on this earth. The leaders do not do it. They do not have the urge and vision. But, we, the ordinary people can do it. This endeavour is the greatest Movement ever built up. It is just bringing down the Light from the subtler realms and spreading around. The Light has everything. Peace, Love and Future. Anyone and everyone can participate in this great Movement. This is not a religious activity but a Spiritual Movement without boundaries. No sermons, no preachings, no banners, no fund-raising and no institutions. It is just a Great Wave of Light.
* Please begin the Movement from you. Just become aware of an ocean of Light above you in the subtler realm. You may not see it. But it is there. Imagine or intend it to enter you and spread around. Just channel the Light. Do it when you wake up, when you go to bed and whenever you find time for seven minutes. And pass on the message in any and every way possible. Speech, Blogs......You know.
* There are many beautiful people around us, in the world. They will realise the importance of this Movement of Light without any persuasion and elaboration. Because, the Intelligence that is prompting me to initiate this, is also present in others, in everyone. Let us bring and spread more and more Light. Let us live in Light and Love.
* Cyclones and Earthquakes bring tragedies of death and suffering. But the bigger tragedy is the non-love and neglect of the authorities.
* Taking a stand, having a strong opinion is very important. Such issues could be at the level of the family, society, nation or mankind. We must choose and have the anger in us against Adharma. We have to reject the injustice at the levels of emotion, intellect and soul. When we do this, we will be vibrating our opinion, our protest. If many people choose and vibrate like this, it becomes a wave, a field of energy that establishes Dharma. People then cannot practise Adharma. There will be a revolution. This is the Spiritual revolution that my Guru spoke about and I have been speaking about. We participate in the Spiritual revolution by choosing the right and expressing our anguish, anger against Adharma. It is only then we will be entering the New Age naturally.
* In this Path, we teach what is possible to practise. The Rishis have devised this Path in such a way that anyone can pick up and practise. We need not change the way we live. We need not give up anything, even the so called bad habits. My Guru said, when the leaves are dry, they fall by themselves. This Path is based on Love and Light.
* When we see the world as imperfect human beings, we find fault with everyone and everything because we have all those things in us. As we advance in Meditations, we do not see the faults at all. If we cannot experience the goodness in ourselves and others, we can never experience God. From a long time we have been taught that Vairagya means renouncing everything, Spirituality means running away from life. Do not miss experiencing anything that is beautiful in you. There are so many beautiful things in us. Somehow we keep them aside and we manifest only what is ugly. Experience the goodness and beauty in you; experience the same in nature and in others. Let us never forget that we are all Divine.
I am all tears after reading this. Of course, positive emotions. My humble obeisance at His Feet.
Dear Padmaja
It is simply wonderful! A kind of positive vibration can be sensed all over my body. The words are very powerful and effective
"The leaders do not do it. They do not have the urge and vision. But, we, the ordinary people can do it" - this shows that they are very humble that they consider themselves as one among us though they are many layers above us in terms of maturity and knowledge.
What a wonderful idea has He suggested in removing Adharma. I have also wondered that there should be a sudden wave of change in the minds of people to stick to honesty and from then on the world will be the best place to live. He has written this in such a way that it appears as though it is not an impossible thing.
Undoubtedly, this has created a metamorphosis in my mind as well. It is bound to leave some changes in all. Love and peace is all that we should aim for. We lose nothing by practising them and on the other hand, we gain lots. Fantastic quotes Padmaja! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Padmaja - I love the message in:
Experience the goodness and beauty in you; experience the same in nature and in others. Let us never forget that we are all Divine.
Hi Padmaja,
Who is Guruji? He sounds so much like Osho!!! I love that bit in which he says being human encompasses going through all those emotions... :)
Latha - I am so happy to read your comments.
Raj - Glad that you liked that message.
Me - Guruji is Swami Krishnananda. Yes, as you say I too loved that part very much. :)
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