A few simple lines straight from the heart…
What if I cannot run along the butterfly
I can always walk slowly to enjoy its flapping
What if I cannot see those twinkling stars
I can always wear my glasses and wink in delight
What if I cannot speak eloquently on stage
I can always hear others with patience
What if I cannot draw stunning strokes
I can always use my hands to clap in awe
What if I cannot write poems of any worth
I can always capture little moments of nothings
What if I cannot dance to tap footing beats
I can always tickle my bare feet with sand and water
What if I cannot progress in intellectual pursuits
I can always travel alone in my path bravely
What if I cannot find a corner of solitude
I can always give space for others in my life
What if I cannot control my emotional tears
I can always find the breeze waiting to embrace
What if I cannot live my life of dreams
I can always count the blessings I'm bestowed
what if no one else read these lines;
at least raj who loves original thoughts read them...
I am deeply touched, Raj. Thanks, thanks, thanks...
Wonderful poem straight from the heart. Good stuff Padmaja!
I have been going through a lot of self-doubt lately.. About me.. and about my writings in particular.. :) Don't ask me why.. For I really do not know.. But one thing I learned today after coming across KrA's personal belongings and this poem of yours.. Anything done with a lot of love and with absolutely no thoughts spared for the outcome is bound to beautiful..
Your verses are lovely, Padmaja.. :)
Thanks a lot, Me. Sometimes simple things in life look more grand than the supposed-to-be grand ones. As you said, anything done with love is absolutely beautiful.
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