Nature – the player of continuous ‘change’.
I remember how involved was I in observing nature during my childhood than at present, for the reasons are many.
The colour combinations of a butterfly had always fascinated me. And the grace with which it carries its colours is a real marvel. I had sincerely followed the route of every butterfly that flew past me till it vanished from my eyesight. You need enormous patience, taste and time for such observations. And the findings were always interesting but I could never comprehend them with my little brain at that time. Being shy, I never asked any for clarifications either. Of course, I had never wished to touch them to see if their colours were infectious. One important thing I learnt is to observe quietly; lest I might disturb their peace and harmony within and around.
Nature has seen many colours of butterflies. Many come and go in the big cauldron of time. There is no dearth of butterflies so far. But every butterfly adds beauty to its place and clan. Each one has its own significance, for every life has its purpose and mission to accomplish. We must remember this and respect their existence.
In the backdrop of sunrise and sunset, the butterflies appear all the more beautiful. I had also witnessed and felt the pain of those butterflies that were ripped apart by the naughty children in my helpless little heart then.
There are no paradigm shifts in my findings all these years. Probably I have not evolved mentally. But whenever I had seen a butterfly or an ant or a beetle or any non-evolved being (in human standards) dead, I used to ask a few questions within –
• Do their friends and family mourn their loss?
• Could there be fights and disputes?
• Do they realize that they too have to die one day like their fellow beings?
• Are the feelings and emotions exclusive for humans? If yes, are they a boon or curse?
• Are the pains and hurts more powerful than joys?
Astonishingly, I find most of the answers in affirmative for humans. Is it due to the signature of evolution?
The gift of nature reverberates everywhere. I don’t mind getting succumbed to the charms of nature as the peace emanating from it is overwhelming. But I need to go further as a part of highest evolution by spreading this peace and harmony around.
My life is no different from the butterfly in its limitations. Am I spreading the same joy, colours, peace & harmony when I pass around, is what I need to work out on before I am swept by the cyclic current of ‘Change’.
To achieve this, I must be a reservoir of peace on the first hand.
Dear Padmaja,
"Each one has its own significance, for every life has its purpose and mission to accomplish. We must remember this and respect their existence." - This was what I was thinking yesterday when I was watching an ant near my feet.
Lovely thoughts dear.. We should always keep our minds open to learn from them, since their existence on earth has an indirect meaning for human beings to learn.
Dear Padmaja
Such a lovely write with lots of meaningful and thought provoking words. I am sure your questions would have hit many minds but just that very few would have been able to have experential understanding of the same.
All praises for your style of writing! Keep writing!
Dear Padmaja,
Wondreful thoughts!!!!!!!!
Thank you dears. :)
Beautiful. Immediately after reading, I was blank, except a drop of water in my eyes as if someone has expressed what I felt and more than that. A wholesome feeling. I don’t want to utter anything, otherwise, I might disturb the peace and harmony within and around this post.
Thank you for dropping in and leaving a beautiful comment.
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