He is my all-time favourite. I feel a vibration within whenever I think of him, his stature, his words or his works. I slip safely into the world of his days when I read his books. I have no idea if I posted these verses here before but I could not stop my urge to post it again.
Yes, read along to know about the stalwart man....
Piercing eyes
Irresistible looks
Majestic personality
Beautiful smile
Powerful words
Eloquent speech
Soulful music
Matchless intellect
Melting heart
Timely wit
Abundant knowledge
Photographic memory
Childlike innocence
Dreamy quest
Never-say-die spirit
Carefree attitude
Unconditional love
I keep looking at his awesome figure
Till tears roll down uncontrollably
My heart dances when I read his magical works
Who is this stranger to me I don’t know
Whom I have neither seen nor talked
But I respect, adore and love him
He is the man
Who drills immense courage
Enthusiasm and love in me
Even at grave situations
And whose works shed
A ray of hope in my life
The world says
I can never see this man
I have a desire
To meet him only once
In my solitude and silence
And get drenched completely
In his wisdom and love
He is none other than
The one and only
Swami Vivekananda
I had secretly envied Sister Nivedita, Sister Christine, Alasinga, Joe and many others for having got maximum attention from him. Everytime I read his autobiography, I didn't want him to die at the age of 39. And needless to mention, everytime I end up crying. In the year 1894, he has written to Alasinga Perumal thus:
"Struggle, struggle, was my motto for the last ten years. Struggle, still say I. When it was all dark, I used to say, struggle; when light is breaking in, I still say, struggle. Be not afraid, my children. Look not up in that attitude of fear towards that infinite starry vault as if it would crush you. Wait! In a few hours more, the whole of it will be under your feet. Wait, money does not pay, nor name; fame does not pay, nor learning. It is love that pays; it is character that cleaves its way through adamantine walls of difficulties."
January is always a special month for me, for his birthday falls on January 12.
Dear Padmaja
I know you adore Vivekananda. In fact, he is adored by many. I too derive inspiration from him when I feel low. When a picture of him can give us lots of strength and power, then what can be said of people who had association with him? No doubt you grew envious over those people who had interacted with him in close quarters!!
Indeed a stalwart is he!
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