During my morning walk today, I was deeply touched by the blowing gentle cool breeze and the calm waters of the sea. I was more carried away by the plays of birds, now sitting on the sea waters and then rising up the sky. I saw nature's orderliness and love against the backdrop of the vast sky. Unknown to my friends who were walking alongside, I was begging that One Truth inwardly to make me remain such a enjoyer always.
When a form of this Truth sits in your inbox as a surprise, how would you feel? Yes, I was overwhelmed. Please read and give your comments liberally on the article reproduced below under the person's request to publish in my blog.
Where is God?
This trillion dollar question is an everlasting one. No answer can ever be perfect as God is far far beyond all answers. Yet the search for an answer is always on the air and we have different answers from different schools of thoughts.
Some say there is no God. We know we have a mind. It can not be seen, pictured or x-rayed. It does not mean that we have no mind. Anything we do comes out only from the mind viz., everything is the manifestation of the mind in several phases in the forms of thoughts, actions etc. etc. Even the atheists can not deny this. Likewise anything and everything, what we see and do not, what we know and do not, all comes only from God. We experience the mind and so we accept it. God being far beyond the capacity of understanding by the mind, we do not experience it. It only shows our limited capacity and not the non existence of God. So we can simply neglect the idea of atheists.
God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. Whether we experience this or not, either we believe or hear this statement every now and then. Why we are not able to perceive him despite all the efforts and even by great gnanis and saints?
If God is omnipresent and all, how is that possible for him?
We need not go into the details of the teachings and beliefs of religions and several schools of thoughts. They will simply confuse us as they contradict each other. Even the beliefs vary among the groups of the same religions.
Brushing aside all these knowledge from the books and hearsay, what is the Truth?
It is quite unbelievable.
There are five elements that make everything and without these there is nothing. Earth has all the five elements and the water one element minus, the fire two elements minus, the air three elements and the space all the other four elements minus.
The earth is very gross and can not move on its own being the combination and qualities of all the elements. Water being one element minus flows downwards. Fire being two elements minus moves upwards. Air being three elements minus moves freely all around. It can be felt though not visible. (But by practicing the right meditation we can see the colour of the air and which element is predominant in the world at that time and it is possible also to change the time of a person and we can even make people obey what we say. Here I mean breath as air.) Space being four elements minus pervades everywhere and invisible. The dictionary has defined the meaning of Space as “Any location outside the Earth's atmosphere.” The scientists clear the matter in the space and call it “vacuum” and say there is nothing in the vacuum.
But the reality is altogether topsy-turvy. Just imagine. This planet, sun, moon, innumerable stars and planets, the milky way, the galaxy and everything is only in the space. This space is inside everything and it is in the outside also.
Whatever happens be it cyclone, eruption of volcano, heat, cold, rain, dust, tsunami and everything happens only in the space. We are affected by anything that happens in the space and the space is not at all affected by anything. Everything is changing constantly but there is no change in the space. But no one thinks about this.
Look at the history. Great inventions in the field of science, discoveries do take place and the great events of the world history get shaped accordingly.
But if you think further such discoveries or the inventions do happen only when they are required to the world. It is does not matter at all how many people work for a change or invention, how much money and efforts are put into and how long the research goes on. These things happen quite naturally and appear on the surface on their own. It is like this. You want to get something from one room. You do not know in which room it is kept. You go on knocking on every door. Finally when you go to the right room there is no need to knock as it is slightly open or the door is simply closed not locked inside. So when you simply touch the door you come to know of the contents in that room and you find what you want. Likewise the scientists do the search sincerely. The world is pushed invisibly to make such searches and you might have noticed that the inventions are very timely and appropriate and serves the need of the hour.
If you concentrate more on this, you will come to know that whatever happens in the world is just being supplied only from the space just according to the needs.
This space as we know and call it, can be compared only to the bubbles on the surf of the waves of the ocean which is very very gross. God is like the ocean with all its expansion with fathomless depth and innumerable wonders.
Well. Then what about the other different lokhas for those who die, for semi gods and demi gods and for lokhas of the various Gods and also about hell and heaven and other places mentioned in other religions. Do they really exist or not? If so where?
We have the first hand information about this from Paramahansa Yogananda. He says all those worlds do exist in the inner space. My Guruji has also told about that and many other things. He has said time and again that if only we dissolve ourselves consciously at least in the outer space then only our true search for God begins. All said are true but very difficult to understand.
Really it is very true in the saying that the world is a stage and all the men and women are the actors. The whole universe is only a stage where God is playing His leelas as a past time and we are just puppets in His hands. This saying is very popular but no one realises that.
In short as the scientists clear the matter from the space and create the vacuum, and they say ‘nothing’ is there. The space has to be peeled off layer by layer or penetrated into by us to know the Truth. And the Vacuum at the core is not ‘nothing’ but “EVERYTHING.”
Once I asked my Guruji about this and told to explain further. He made me understand it by a simple example. The tongue can name any part of the body. But to say tongue, the tongue alone has to say itself and not any other part of the body. Likewise this can be understood only by getting dissolved at least in the outer space to begin with from where the real journey starts.
It has become a trend or fashion nowadays to end the conversation with a punch dialogue. I shall also follow suit.
Kasturi (I have already written to you about him. He will be the mother of Sai Ram’s next avatar as Prema Sai) once requested Sai Ram to do some miracle for him. Sai Ram told him “Every one of you is my miracle”. Kasturi during one of our meets told me this. How true the words of Sai Ram.
I just want to end this by saying that we are in God and God is around us always. But we are not able to realise this. Though the pebbles lie down in the river all the time, it does not allow water inside it. We all are also like that.
A good one. Thanks to your friend for the effort to bring this article. Perfect analysis from different angles.
After reading the article, I felt, what is the use of the concept of God. In what way it helps in our life. His existance or non-existance is not going to do anything. If He exists and all pervading and He is the doer of all, then there is no need to think about him. On the contrary, if He doesn't exist, then also there is no need to think about him.
Dear Mr. Solaikannan,
I read the article and also your comments. Your comments are interesting though I differ.
I presume the main concept of the article should be on the following lines. We, the Hindus despite many Gods believe that God is One. Other religions also say that with a difference that there is only one God and that is theirs. But that One God cannot be divided into many and He must be Absolute and Ultimate One for All Faiths and this is a very simple and clear fact.
Though we all say that God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient, and He is watching us always and no one can ever escape from His eyes and all, we do not believe that to major extent when we do something to satisfy our desires. We even doubt His existence especially when we are in trouble and when the situation is out of our control. Even the so called great devotees do undergo this stage. I have seen many persons of this state and this applies 100% to a layman like me. So at least as far as I am concerned despite the trying situations one should firmly believe that the Almighty is always around him. I think this article helps a lot to understand this point.
Further I am of opinion that this Truth is the Ultimate Goal. Mere perception cannot bring any experience. We have to cross several stages as one has to start from LKG level and cross many steps to get the Phd. he wants. But if the goal of Phd. is not there he cannot plan his studies properly and attain his goal through hard work. And even after becoming a Phd. he has to work further to reach the goal if it is beyond that. Even in the daily life without planning we cannot do anything perfectly. So I am of opinion that to reach this highest goal one has to follow the good principles laid down in his religion and move towards progress.
I write this in a hurry. I would like to discuss further if you are interested.
A thought provoking article indeed! In today's world, where people lead lives as per their whims and fancies, caring the least for the Supreme force behind the existence, such an article is truly an eye opener.
"The space has to be peeled off layer by layer or penetrated into by us to know the Truth. And the Vacuum at the core is not ‘nothing’ but “EVERYTHING.”" - These lines are pretty strong and conveys solid truth. As said in the article, only a tongue has to struggle to say its own name, I now understand very clearly that the initiative to attain the Supreme must be taken only from us and that nobody can help us take the initiative through influence or coercion.
However, there are certain things that need to be understood well by me in this article -
When you say inventions and discoveries happen only when they are required to the world, it is a little difficult to accept it since nuclear bomb is also an invention meant for destruction. Can you explain?
I also feel that the statement "The whole universe is only a stage where God is playing His leelas as a past time and we are just puppets in His hands" needs further explanation. If it is true that we are mere puppets in the hands of God, then it means that the results of every action of ours has already been defined and also our actions itself have been decided to be in a particular way and we are indirectly led by God to do the act since we are puppets. In that case, it is not we who are the wrong or good doers, is it not? But I feel until the moment we realise that we and God are one and the same, we are bound to pay for our actions that we do with the use of our own intellect and not with the influence of God playing within us. There is a difference between free will and destiny. Maybe I am wrong but this is my understanding.
The punch dialogue is not only a punch dialogue but also philosophical.
Though I am no less than an ordinary house-holder, I would like to have the guidance of the power above me to lead me through the road to reach Him. I realise that this is the only road to happiness and all other joys of life are transitory.
As I know and understand the planet we live in completes a cycle by going through 4 yugas. This planet has seen such several yugas. Though there are several schools of thoughts regarding the duration of these 4 yugas, there is no second opinion about these yugas as per our Hindu mythology. In Kritha yuga it is the golden saga and the dharma is in full swing and in the following yugas the dharma detoriates. As the world is set up in this fashion we have to see so many cruel and inhuman activities going on leading to destruction. This is a part of the drama. God helps only for good deeds. But man is given free will and God never interferes in it. The thinking of the man is according to the karmas of his own and there is always a fight between the good and bad in our minds. Even the war between the Pandavas and Kauravas is said to be depicted as the internal war in the minds of the mankind. The happenings in the world is none other than the outcomings of the collective karmas of the mankind. Man does a karma out of his free will and it binds him. God cannot be blamed for that. Even though we do not harm the world by our actions, we are caught in the web of mass karma and we have no choice except to face them. The saying “People get the Government for what they deserve” is potent with meaning. However when adharma is in its high peak, God sends Messiahs, Saints, Mahatmas and if necessary He himself comes to the earth taking an appropriate avatar to save the Dharma and also His devotees. Devas are gods and demi gods and they too suffer. At one time or other God has to come to their rescue to save them from Asuras. When we watch a drama or a movie we want all sorts of scenes to make it an interesting one. When this being the case even with us, what is wrong if God chooses the drama as He wishes. Moreover there is nothing good or bad in His eyes. Can we blame the Director of a drama because there is murder in the story? The difference is our drama directors decide the story, dialogues etc. etc. The actors have to speak the dialogues written by the director and act as per the story and scene in which he has no choice. In the Great Drama of God the dialogues and scenes are decided by the actors and further scenes are decided according to the actions of the actors ie. we, and we are caught by our actions. I have no doubt that the world will be saved and good people are protected. However I wish to say all this good and bad do take place and we see them as good and bad because we attach ourselves with them. I do not mean that we should simply accept all these. We should not forget that it is our prime duty to get out the circle of birth and death. Birth is said to be the Adhi Vyadhi. All sufferings are only because we take birth. So we should try by all means to get out of this vicious circle in this birth itself. At least we should become karma yogis as advised by Krishna in Gita. In short our lives should be centered in God and whatever we do it should be only for Him even it be washing the face, cooking for us or for anyone etc. etc. We should try to cross the three stages of our daily life, sleep, dream etc. and try to go to the forth stage, Turiam. Then we will know that all these 3 stages which are common to all are like dreams. If the thirst in us to cross the ocean of life, God will surely send Guru to guide us at the appropriate time.
Thank you very much for your elaborate explanation.
We are unfortunately in that kind of a world where we don't have any clue about the so called Godmen who make us believe are the messengers of God but ultimately they also turn out to be fake ones. Whom to trust?
One more question - when you say that we see things as good and bad because we attach ourselves to it, is it not? In that case what is good and what is bad?
And when you say God protect good people - what is the meaning of 'good' here? Does God differentiate between good and bad people? What is good and bad according to Him? Can you kindly clarify?
You have to trust in God. You have to pray Him to send a Guru. At the right time either you will find your Guru or Guru will come to you and reveal Himself. With our limited knowledge it is very difficult to find out the right Guru. Though there are many it is very difficult indeed to find out who will suit us and designed for us according to our karmas. If you strongly pray your Ishta Devatha, He/She will take care of this.
Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so. That’s why what is good to some is not so to some others. Since the world is only the thought of the God and the world being a stage for His drama there is nothing good or bad to Him. He is not affected by anything that takes place as the light is not affected by the deeds done in its presence.
God is beyond anyone's comprehension. First of all we ourselves do not know who we are. We have to evolve to know us and also to know Him and merge with Him. And hence all the struggle, so many faiths, religions etc. etc.
Thank you once again Sir, for your exhaustive expalanation. If you give me the permission, I would like to pose more questions through email. You can feel free to decline since I know how busy a person you are.
Very beautiful and excellent article!
Incredibly Excellent and thought provoking!
There are certain things i need to understand.
1.Why hindu relegion has so many GODS.
2.Why there is such discrimination between the religions even though the final goal is the same?
3.Is relegion the only way to attain final goal?
Latha / Prakashika,
You can send mails to my id: sriraons@gmail.com
Please feel free to send mails to my id: sriraons@gmail.com. I am Padmaja's uncle. I think you are her friend. I shall what I know if it can be of any help to you.
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