The fear of being attacked by migraine is constantly chasing me as I am too much affected by the pain these days. Once hit, I become completely paralysed in the first 2-3 hours in a dark room. I am avoiding all situations that could trigger a headache like sun, sound, sleeplessness, hunger etc but alas, I could not run away from life and people, isn’t it? If I close the front door, it enters through the back door and embraces me. Last month, I had decided to fight it out only with Light. Thankfully I am not tempted to take medicines so far; instead wait patiently for the Light to work on me.
Though the love affair with migraine is going on for years, I still wanted to watch ‘2012’ as I have been receiving and reading mixed reviews about the film. Somehow it is eluding my hands. What I have noticed is that, people either panic which is not needed or brush it aside as a hoax. The world will not end but there is no place for the misfits and unfits any more, which includes you and me if we fall under that category.
Who are misfits and unfits then?
Whoever brings negativities into our system and spreads callous attitude becomes a natural misfit or unfit to live in this world.
Watch out for the grip that the negativities have over you. It may sprout as physical, mental, emotional and psychological disturbances or illnesses. And mind you, the negativities may arise within to damage your understanding or from outside sources to confuse your standing. At such times, I am forcibly emphasising these words to myself - ‘O Negativities! I have NO time to entertain you. And I am not sorry for that.’
When I heard of the brutal murder that had happened recently in one of our friend’s families because of money issues, I was really shocked. Money, women and land have been the greatest enemies in human lives from time immemorial, so they say.
The biography of one of the most powerful women the world had witnessed, Cleopatra, too confirms this belief. Though she had Julius Caesar & Marc Antony in/at her command at one time, the motive behind such liaisons must have been to retain her Pharaoh-hood. Power struggle is like a vicious cycle and the main negative energy being supplied is ‘selfishness’. Naturally all these three had to face terrible deaths.
How long can Mother Earth tolerate biographies of sloth & selfishness? She badly needs a change. Before she shakes us all in one go and takes up the task on her own, let us all give her the much needed change by spreading Light, love and peace, not just today or tomorrow but on a moment-to-moment basis to repair the damages done to her over thousands of years. Let us learn to own the responsibility of the collective damage done to her representing the collective humanity.
A few imaginative pictures hover around me for the past one month to write a poem on Mother Earth. I am trying to move away from such thoughts as I do not wish to trigger any kind of intellectual pleasure. And I do not wish to burden my head more as I have no intention of facing another big bang inside.
However, if I succumb to the pressure any time from now, then it would go into ‘Divine Vibrations’. Be assured that the intent would vibrate only with purity.
Right now, as my head throbs slightly and compels me to close this article soon, I wish to conclude with my only personal wish – to remain in harmony with Light at all levels of consciousness.
1 comment:
Dear Padmaja
The title is well justified. I always fancy the most appropriate title you frame for every article that you write.
I am well aware of the pain you go through around your head because of your frequent migraine attacks. Now I am glad that the dependency on the pills have reduced. May God continue to shower his grace on you to get rid of permanent pain.
The latter part of your article is shockingly true. Even in any small act, we got to watch if there is any tiny trace of selfishness in it. Sometimes, unknowingly also we become slefish. The ego is constantly aware of supplying food to itself under any given circumstance. Very thought provoking article too, Padmaja. I am inspired.
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