No relationship is permanent. No person can give that eternal everlasting happiness. Nobody can understand your mind or heart. Nobody can make you understand yourself better. None can find time for you when you need them the most as there’s a price tag for everything.
You will be respected and worshipped at one moment and portrayed as a monster at another. Your love will be tossed and manipulated. Your innocence will be (mis)used. You will be made voiceless and veinless. You will always be surrounded by judgements and politics. Your self pity would be aggrandized by your bleeding woes. You appear as an utter failure, as a walking skeleton.
Most importantly, you forget to realize that you are capable of inflicting the above on others and eternally shuttle between hatred and love.
These are the curses of relationships because these were your choices. In fact, these are just some of the pointers of the unseen laws that could be found in the life book of every bound soul in these changing times. It makes no difference whether you are a sannyasi or a householder externally. You got to go through all these and more.
Move out mentally from everything, everybody - the sooner the better. Don’t attach yourself to the limitations. Give a pause to every emotion as a mark of respect to act it out but never rub them on others. Laugh and cry when you wish to. Discard anger and hatred. The more candid you are to your self, the better. Don’t be a hypocrite to impress yourself that you are of strong made. Remember that everything in this Universe crumbles at one point or other. You are no exception unless you are born enlightened. Assume yourself as a small baby in the arms of the Whole. Your intelligence is not even a dot in the Greater Intelligence. Remember this and be humble.
Slowly break free of the bondages mentally. Become a rebel at heart. Seek the solitude in the midst of chaos. See the grandeur and harmony around you in nature. Learn to see only the essence in beings. Respect your self, life, words, commitments, duties and responsibilities as opportunities given especially for you to grow.
Thank every soul that gives you pain because you are learning life's lessons very fast not in linear fashion but in geometrical proportion. At the same time, never allow anyone to take you for granted. You don't need to outsmart anybody but just be alert.
There’s greater peace in seeing and seeking this perspective even when you don’t understand anything. It is not easy. It is not impossible too.
You are not alone. There’s an ever smiling and shining face in you that is your eternal companion. Think and act as if you are divine. You will become one slowly. In the process you may be reminded of your (in)glorious past by others to pull you down. Don’t pay attention. Ignore. Past is dust. Just move on…. Just revel in love.
Because love is the only way - the way of the Christ, Krishna, Allah and all faiths. There’s no other way that can liberate you. There’s no other way that can lead you to your original nature.
There's only one mantra in this magnificent cosmos that is reverberating eternally for your sake to listen. There's only one affirmation taught by the teachers from time immemorial.
Yes. That is "Love is our nature."
Dear Padmaja
Though what you have written seemed so shocking, I realise that it is nothing other than truth. Every word that you have written seems to be 100% correct. I also realise that they were all the result of your spontaneous emotions at that time. Thanks for giving ignorant people like me to get such an insight when I really wanted some daring facts like these.
Dear Latha,
It is not a spontaneous emotional outlet; rather a long pending one on the truths of life. It is just that we don't accept these or should I say that we simply forget these truths.:)
Good evening
Looking forward to your next post
Hi - I am really happy to discover this. Good job!
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