It appears, the mechanical grind of everyday life urges everyone to hurry up their agendas of life fast and make a quick exit, churning the same old selfish grooves again and again in the cosmic playground. There's no time for a genuine smile, a gentle touch or soft words. But these seemingly simple gestures cannot be mastered easily, of course. Most of the times, an open ended receiver is emotionally or spiritually uplifted and hence I term them as 'magical'.
There are certain things in life which can weave such a magic without the help of a second or third person. One such is watching the sky. It's been my favourite since my childhood. Here, what one sees or perceives is left to the imagination of the individual because what I see is not what you see. :)
Yesterday night, while watching the sky (though Bahrain has the most unromantic sky to look at as it is minus stars always), I wanted to sketch my feelings with words but then I could not.....simply. Can the vastness of love be captured with a few words?
That reminds me that I, the citizen of earth, too belong to the same sky. :)
Dear Padmaja
Your post was interesting and unique as always. Incidentally, I read an article very recently in Friday magazine here where star gazing can be pursued as a hobby. The moment I read that, I thought about you only. Of course, we have to pay for that. Will chat with you regarding this some time later.
My dear, Only you can find my posts interesting. Cheers to our decade-long friendship! :)
I too am waiting to chat with you. It's ages since we had a chat. For that matter, it's ages since I had a chat with anyone. :)
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