Sunday, September 21, 2008

In love I fly

Under the bare roof of the sky
I sit amused by the twinkling stars
Studded in the black blanket of space

I wish to cross the taverns of thoughts
And creaks of unpolished heart
With the charms of stilled love

Alas! Neither heart nor mind
Obeys my commands blissfully
As they are one of rusted insane

To glitter my life of joy and pain
A smile of longing is transfixed
Along the rapturous path of love

Indeed the gentle touches of breeze
And the grilling gazes of moon
Can no longer seduce my inner horizons
For I've decided to fly in love happily

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Walls n expressions

The unseen hands behind the creation
Reverberate beyond the frame
And try to paralyse my eyelids

With every step of admiration
Along the wall of inspiration
I hear the echoes of heartbeats

Among the crowd of mountains
I could feel many clouds of fear
Stagnate along the routes of walls

My eyes may exclaim aloud
At such ostentation of power
By a mere glance at the Wall Wonder

Thankfully the trampled expressions
That beautify the walls along the routes
Are not seen by me as artefacts of marvel