Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Walls n expressions

The unseen hands behind the creation
Reverberate beyond the frame
And try to paralyse my eyelids

With every step of admiration
Along the wall of inspiration
I hear the echoes of heartbeats

Among the crowd of mountains
I could feel many clouds of fear
Stagnate along the routes of walls

My eyes may exclaim aloud
At such ostentation of power
By a mere glance at the Wall Wonder

Thankfully the trampled expressions
That beautify the walls along the routes
Are not seen by me as artefacts of marvel


Latha said...

A very nice poem Padmaja! The beauty of the walls are powerfully captured by you with the help of your wonderful writing ability. Well done!

Raj Arumugam said...

Hmmm...I prefer the What if... poem as this poem is slightly closed and does not really speak too directly about its meaning....But that's one aspect of good poetry....and so I'm trying to delve into the poem's complexities...

It's not about the Olympics is it,
and perhaps the image of autocratic rule that China conveys?
I'm not into games and I don't watch these things so I can't bring in too much of a connection with the o8 Olympics and China...the poem can be seen on a universal-personal level as dealing with human life - namely ostentation of power and wealth and how unimpressive and vulgar that can be to the more humble-simple of us...
A rich poem, Padmaja...

Padmaja said...

@Latha - Thanks.

@Raj - It is written inspired by China's wall wonder. :)