Friday, February 06, 2009

Footprints and shadows

Two uncontrollable fascinations of my childhood were to watch the footprints and shadows of mine and others. These two things continue to amaze me still. In fact, I had watched innumerable number of times my wet footsteps dry slowly on a cement floor. I had erased many footprints of others on sand to imprint mine.

Some well known facts are contradicting and complementing each other…

1) Both footprints and shadows are related to our body.

2) Footprints can be preserved whereas shadows cannot be.

3) Footprints can be seen only when we move away whereas shadows cannot be separated from us.

4) A shadow is dependent on light to gain a shape and size whereas a footprint is dependent on the object for its shape and size.

5) Footprints require a medium like sand for expression whereas shadows are freaks in this aspect.

We can go on and on…

Many times, I’d asked myself why God has surrounded us with different interesting concepts like these.

Whenever I see a lame walking with a stick or crutches, I would immediately look at their shadows and footprints. Undoubtedly both of them reflect his/her physical disability.

While the physical disabilities are expressed so vividly and perfectly by nature whether we want them or not, like them or not, need them or not, there is no one way to see the inner disabilities of minds.

However, one cannot continue to hide his inherent negative tendencies for long. They come out one day or other one by one…

When I become targets of such negativities, I need to identify the limping shadows but not to leave footprints in my heart permanently.

Most importantly, I must learn to grow inwardly to experience a life of love and peace from my own shadows and footprints. After all, I have one life in hand, isn’t it?

Picture coutesy : Google search


Latha said...

Pretty interesting!

Padmaja said...

It has to be... :P

Anonymous said...

Beautiful article!

Padmaja said...

Thanks dear.

Vimala P Kumar said...

very nice article.

Most impressive lines are " when we become targets to negativities, identify the shadow but dont leave footprints"....

very good...

Padmaja said...

Welcome to my blog, Vimala. Thanks. Keep visiting.

Solai Kannan said...

As usual brilliant. How come you are able to correlate four different things with life?

But, Is there a negativity, is there a disability? When we keep 'positivity' and 'ability' as yardsticks, then there is 'negativity' and 'disability'. But, it is 'whole', there is no negative charges without positive charges. When we see in totality, there is no negativity or disability either physically or mentally. Yes, this is philosophical. But, on the practical ground, what you say is right. For every 'crooked' behaviours we used leave a permanent footprint made of concrete in our mind, whereas we are supposed to treat them, at least, as passing shadows.

Padmaja said...

That's some philosophical thinking... :D That's value addition.

Thanks a lot, Solai.

Elanchezhiyan said...

Good philosophy. After all, I am having only one life to comment.

The Dingbat said...

Very lovely, Padmaja.. As always :) Your post has inspired me to write something on similar lines.. Maybe I will.. :)

In case you are wondering, this is Impulsively Me here.. I decided to abandon my guise of anonymity and recently started a blog under my real name.. :) http://sojourn-in-gurgaon.blogspot.html

I thought you should be the first to know.. and as of now the only one to know.. :)

Me :D As always! :D

Padmaja said...

Dear Anitha,

I'm deeply touched. I have been pondering since then, what is the link between you and me that's binding us though miles apart.

Visited your blog as well.



The Dingbat said...

Dear Padmaja,

Have a lot to tell you .. so will email you :)
