Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I wish I were gone

How I wish I were gone
From this world but I stay on

Watched the chirping of birds very sweet
Wanted to imitate their lovely tweet
Sweetness eluded from my hand
Understood I could never be grand

When I felt this, I wished I were gone
From this world but stayed on

Watched the waves lashing the shore
Wanted to become a fish fore
Breathless I became as I went inside
Understood it is not in my stride

When I knew this, I wished I were gone
From this world but stayed on

Watched the poor taking alms painfully
Wanted to embrace them lovingly
Turned to see a lot who stood behind
Understood my incapability that bind

When I saw this, I wished I were gone
From this world but stayed on

Watched the needy panting with grief
Wanted to pacify with concern brief
Tears rolled down to see a crowd standing there
As I was helpless to embrace all with care

When I realised this, I wished I were gone
From this world but stayed on

Watched the world painted with blood
Wanted to raise the souls of the dead
Peace is the only fashion statement available
But more are put to rest in pursuit of this babble

When I sensed this, I wished I were gone
From this world but stayed on

O Lord! Beauty is abundant in your cosmos
Except that you fail to implant in our hearts
Love is bought and crushed here in a trice
Where feelings are cheapened for a price

How I wish I were gone
From your world but still I stay on

1 comment:

butterfly Surya said...

Wow... Great...Xlent...

"Where feelings are cheapened for a price "

What a words..???

Yes.. U must be a simple person...

My guru Osho says

"Only a simple person's thinking will be marvelous "
