Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Starry gaze

It was an evening
I was lying on the beach
Enjoying the he-man sea
Kissing his beloved shore

He comes back again and again
To his permanent love
Night and day he touches her
But never gets satiated
I smiled at this nature’s drama
Always orderly and unchanged

Noises around me slowly faded away
Could see a few shadows here and there
Turned my gaze towards the sky
In that dark liquid atmosphere
Stars winked at me personally
I was excited to see their gesture
My pupil started admiring them one by one
What a beautiful design on the space!

My mind instantly dug from memory
Of its size and its hot state
But my heart refused to accept
As its beauty is irresistible
I wonder now ……
How would the sky look without these stars

Themes would have eluded the poets
Astronomy, a subject of fiction
Twinkling rhymes a dream
And charm gone from the sky
Of course, without our own star Sun
Earth would have perished
Including you and me

I understood…….
Each star is unique in its own way
In the nature’s scene
Only when stars are seen together
In the black canvas of creation
They give an adoring finish to the sky
And a feast to our eyes

Yes, you are one such star
So am I!


Anonymous said...

Nice poem and a justified title!

Padmaja said...


Anonymous said...

Excellent poem.A very thoughtful one indeed.

Radhakrishnan said...

Very nice poem. Everyone is a star :)

I wondered about stars design in the space. Fantastic thought to enjoy what we have now, not to regret when it is not going to be there!

Thank you Padmaja.