Sunday, February 10, 2008

I miss you

Young, dark, beautiful, shy, intelligent, naïve and innocent – that’s the girl who told me once again ‘I missed you’ in a birthday party yesterday.

I vividly remember her baby days where she never got along with anyone unlike her twin sister. She was a bit reserved, used to cry most of the times, and happy to cling on to her mother always.

It is really wonderful to see the babies grow in front of our eyes. This cry baby has grown up into a lovely girl of five now. In fact, she reminds me of my childhood wherein I used to become deathly silent upon seeing a crowd and stay in my own world. Many times, I have seen myself in her. But I must also mention that she is equally naughty and full of joy & laughter when the surroundings and people are of her liking.

During her babyhood, I did manage to handle her many a time as she was graceful enough to find peace in me. Of late, whenever our families meet, I speak and spend time with her with as much as I do with her sister and move away with my friend to catch up with our conversation. But this girl, out of her own will, walks up to me every time to say, “You are beautiful today,” or “You are beautiful in this dress,” followed by, “I missed you very much...”

Do I need to say more how happy I would become upon hearing this, that too from a young girl of 5, who is still unexposed to any sort of pretense or artificiality? I am glad to declare that she reserves this honour to me.

I have often wondered what could be her perception of beauty. Why does she love me so much? What and where is the ‘connectedness’ between us?

Were we related to each other in our previous lives? Is this called ‘soul love’ or ‘soul connections’?

If that is so, it is rarely felt in this world where people meet with an artificial smile, laugh in the gatherings and move away with their lives. Such unconditional, untainted, voluntary, pure love is a rarity to be seen and experienced.

She landed in Bahrain yesterday evening after a short trip of four days to Dubai. The minute she saw me, she whispered in private, “When I had been to Dubai, I missed you very much….”

Am I not really fortunate?


Latha said...

A truly touching episode. There are certain people whom we meet in our day to day life with whom we attach fond love with no reason. There are some others whom we hate by their very appearance how much ever beautiful they may be. I am glad that this girl in particular loves you a lot and I am all the more glad when I know it is my daughter who has fond feelings for you.

Padmaja said...

Glad to hear that you and your daughter liked the article. I don't know how to thank the little girl. As you know, my convenient way of expression is in the form of written words and I did so promptly today. :)

Radhakrishnan said...

Nice to know about Sw. We love you Sw.

:) Twins!

Thank you Padmaja.